Professional Bio Help

Professional bios are not just for authors, speakers, and presenters anymore.

A well-written professional bio can help set you apart. Most job seekers know how important it is to be prepared with a strong resume and cover letter when starting a job search. But the need for a professional bio is becoming increasingly common. Once thought of as a requirement for just professional authors and speakers, a professional bio is being requested more frequently – and has a number of uses: 

  • The bio section of your social media profiles. You will need a longer bio for sites like LinkedIn and a shorter version for Twitter.
  • Job search – employers routinely look at job seekers' online bio and will sometimes request it along with your resume.
  • Marketing materials, proposals and quotes you send to prospective customers.
  • Pitches for public speaking, presenting and/or training.
  • Publications such as books, e-books, reports, professional documents and guest blog posts.
  • The “about us” page on your personal website and/or blog.

Professional Bio - $199

Let one of our career consultants write your professional bio – up to 250 words. This option includes a phone consultation with one of our professional bio writing experts, a personalized draft of your bio turned around within three business days of your consultation, one comprehensive round of revisions, and a final draft of your personalized bio. Click here to get started!

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