LinkedIn Profile Help

LinkedIn is the largest online professional network, with over 400 million members.

Don't make the mistake of underestimating the power of a strong LinkedIn profile. LinkedIn is utilized by recruiters and hiring managers in a number of different ways. In some cases, it's used to cross-reference information from a candidate's resume – in other cases, it's utilized as a direct recruiting source. Having a complete LinkedIn profile that best represents your professional accomplishments – and knowing what information decision makers are looking for – will only serve to enhance your job search. In fact, for many recruiters and hiring managers, if you're not on LinkedIn, it's almost as if you don't exist. Let us help you build a powerful LinkedIn profile. Select the LinkedIn service below to get started.

Personalized LinkedIn Profile - $199

Select this option if you would like one of our professionals to compose your LinkedIn profile. This option includes a phone consultation with one of our professional LinkedIn experts, a personalized draft of your profile turned around within three business days of your consultation, one round of revisions, and a final draft of your personalized LinkedIn profile. Click here to get started!

Please note: Our LinkedIn service is intended to be purchased in combination with our resume service. If purchased on its own, your profile will be updated to reflect your current resume.