The Best Career Podcasts to Get On Track in 2020

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It’s the start of a New Year and a great time to get your career on track for more success in the months ahead. But where do you begin? With today’s technology – namely, your smartphone and the Podcast app – it’s easy to learn on-the-go and gain practical tips and advice on how to take your career and your life to the next level. So if you’re wondering how to improve your career, here are the best career podcasts.

The Murray Resources Podcast

The Murray Resources Podcast dives into common job search and career-related topics and questions. They use their firm’s 30-year history to give job-seekers a peek behind the curtain into the recruiting industry and—more specifically—to offer tips and techniques that can help them land the perfect job. Their content includes starting your job search the right way, working with a recruiter, and how to build the perfect resume. The Murray Resources podcast regularly releases new and interesting content, so be on the look for what they have next!

Career Cloud

This is one of the most downloaded career apps each day and is highly popular thanks to its diverse content. It offers listeners a range of different guests and expertise in areas including resume writing, interviewing, negotiating, using social media in your job search, and so much more. Whether you’re a veteran on the hunt for your next steppingstone or you’re just beginning in your career, this podcast has career tips for every candidate at every level.

The School of Greatness with Lewis Howes 

This podcast offers some of the best career advice and is fun to listen to with stories from famous athletes, celebrities, and business leaders who have achieved the highest peak of success in their careers. The focus is on how these people got to where they are now, including their mistakes and failures and how to bounce back from them. If you’re at a crossroads in your careers and wondering where to go, this podcast is an excellent source for inspiration.


If you’ve been in the workforce for a while and are ready for a fresh start somewhere new or in a different field entirely, then Pivot will show you how to get there. The host of this podcast is Jenny Blake, author of Pivot: The Only Move That Matters Is Your Next One. She’s also a former career coach for Google and will offer you guidance on how to make those right moves in your career through practical tips and advice.

The Angie Lee Show 

This is one of the top-rated shows in business with over seven million downloads. If you’re ready to take a step out into your own business, then this is the podcast for you. Host Angie Lee explains all those tips and tricks you need to get started, from marketing to finances, and so much more.

If you’d prefer more hands-on help with your career, turn to the career coaches at ResumeSpice. Whether you’re ready to move up in your career or make a big transition, we can help through expert advice, personalized tips and strategies, and a roadmap for getting where you want to go. Learn out more by reaching out to our team at 832.930.7378 or by contacting us online.

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