Burnt Out? When & How to Change Your Career

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No one is happy every day in their jobs. Everyone has seasons of high stress and too many demands. However, if this has become the “normal” in your life and you’re ready for a change in your career, how can you make the switch? Here are some tips to help you.

Know the signs it’s time.

Sometimes, you might just need a break from work, particularly after a long or stressful project. However, other times, you’re truly burned out and ready for a change. How do you tell the difference?

When you’re burned out, your enthusiasm and energy are gone. Likewise, you might not believe in the mission of the organization any longer or feel aligned with your co-workers. This is different than regular everyday work stress and a sign you need to make a bigger change.

Think it through.

Big decisions, like leaving your job or striking a new path in your career, should not be made overnight. Just because you had a bad week or month at work doesn’t necessarily mean you have to jump ship. Instead, this is a decision that should take some thought and consideration to ensure when you do take action, it’s in the right direction.

Consider your strengths and motivations.

Before you decide on where to take your career, think about areas where you thrive. What do you love about your job or past jobs? What are your strengths? What kind of work environment do you need to feel successful? By exploring these, you’ll be able to best identify where to transition into.

Don’t second guess yourself.

Once you’ve done your homework and made your decision, don’t second guess yourself. You’ll just lose confidence and motivation when you do.

Instead, push beyond your comfort zone and past your fears toward new opportunities that are waiting ahead. At times, you’ll likely face obstacles. However, anything worth doing is worth fighting for.

Do you need more help finding out how to make a career change?

Turn to the career coaches at ResumeSpice. We can guide you through every step of a big transition. We’ll offer feedback, tips and insight, so you have more confidence and can achieve the vision for your career. If you’re ready to learn more, call 832.930.7378 or contact us online.


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