Want to find a new job faster? It goes beyond simply creating a powerful resume. You also have to make sure you’re highly visible on social media sites like LinkedIn. To do that, you need to include impactful keywords on your profiles.
It comes down to basic math, really. For instance, LinkedIn reports there are approximately 546 million people using the site. Therefore, the only way to stand out and get noticed is with keywords. In fact, keyword searches are the most common way employers find candidates. Otherwise, you’re invisible to hiring managers and recruiters, despite all your career experience.
But which words should you choose and how often do you include them? Here are some tips from the LinkedIn profile writers at ResumeSpice to help you maximize your efforts:
Look to job descriptions.
Don’t guess at keywords. Instead, look to descriptions for jobs you’re interested in. For instance, if a certain position requires extensive knowledge of Microsoft Excel and that’s one of your key strengths, then make sure “Microsoft Excel” is included in your profiles.
Use variations and related terms.
Besides including keywords that are an exact match, use related terms too, like “Microsoft Office” for the example above. Also use variations, such as “MS Excel.”
Brainstorm keywords.
In addition to keywords and phrases from actual job descriptions, brainstorm any others you think would be important for the kinds of opportunities you’re most interested in. To do that, read through websites of employers you’d like to work for. Think too about your own skills and experiences and what makes you an exceptional candidate, then include related keywords, as well. Sprinkle keywords with care.
The more keywords there in your social media profiles, the more highly you’ll rank for a particular search result. However, you still need to sound natural, so don’t stuff keywords everywhere. Instead, for a site like LinkedIn, use a keyword at least one time in every section of your profile.
Don’t forget about location.
Most hiring managers and recruiters search for candidates by location. So make sure you include yours in your profiles. You can also set your location on some sites, like LinkedIn.
Need more help optimizing your social media profiles?
Contact the experts at ResumeSpice. As LinkedIn profile writers, we know how to create profiles that will help you leverage the power of social media and get better results in your job search. Find out more with a call to our team at 832.930.7378 or by contacting us online.