5 of the Most Common Resume Mistakes & How to Avoid Them

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Your resume is your ticket into the job interview. If you have a strong, polished and compelling one, your chances of getting a call are good. If, however, you’re making any of the following five mistakes, you’ve got some work to do before you apply:

Grammar errors and typos.

It doesn’t matter what field you work in or the kind of position you’re applying to. If you make these kinds of elemental mistakes on a resume, hiring managers will wonder about your work quality. One typo won’t kill your chances of getting a call for an interview. However, if your resume is filled with them, then it’s going to get tossed aside.

A boilerplate approach.

If your resume sounds like everyone else’s, then the hiring manager isn’t going to take a second glance at it. That’s why you need to tailor it to each job you’re applying to. For instance, you might focus on your time management skills with one employer and your communication abilities with another. Just make sure you’re reviewing the job posting first and making your resume as relevant as possible to the employer and the role. 

Focusing on duties too much.

Of course, hiring managers want to know that you have the ability to perform the job successfully. But don’t simply list all your duties under each position. Instead, you also need to focus on what you’ve achieved in each role. Quantify the results wherever you can.

The wrong length.

For most candidates who have at least a few years of experience, a one- to two-page resume is reasonable, as long as it’s not too crowded with dense paragraphs and narrow margins. If, however, you send in a longer one, it’s not going to get read. In fact, the faster you can get to your strengths and abilities the better.

Including the wrong information.

For instance, skip the objective statement and instead include a summary of qualifications at the top. Also, don’t let hiring managers know “References are available upon request.” They already expect this, so you’re simply wasting space. Finally, don’t include any hobbies or personal information that’s not directly related to the job.

Get more resume tips and advice.

At ResumeSpice, we’re a top resume writing team in the field and know what to include – and what to leave out – so you get noticed by a hiring manager. Find out more by reaching out to us at 832.930.7378 or by contacting us online.

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