How to Write a Letter of Interest: Tips and Examples

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A letter of interest helps you introduce yourself to a company even when there aren’t specific job openings. Unlike a cover letter that may be needed for a specific job application, a letter of interest is proactive. Think of it as a way to get your foot in the door and say, “Hey, I’m here, and I believe I can bring something great to your team!” In this blog, we’ll explain how to write a letter of interest, covering its structure, important tips, and some examples. By the end, you’ll be ready to craft a letter that not only showcases your enthusiasm but also makes a memorable impression.

Key Takeaways

  • A letter of interest allows you to introduce yourself to a company even when there are no specific job openings. It’s a proactive way to express your enthusiasm and stand out from the crowd.

  • Tailor your letter to reflect the company’s mission and values, address it to a specific person, and use industry-specific terminology. This demonstrates genuine interest and makes your letter more impactful.

  • Keep your letter of interest around 200-300 words. A concise, clear message shows respect for the recipient’s time and increases the likelihood of your letter being read in its entirety.

How to Write a Letter of Interest Tips and Examples

What is a Letter of Interest?

Unlike the reactive nature of a cover letter, a letter of interest is a proactive document that lets you express your desire to work for an organization without the prompt of a job opening. Think of this letter as a way to curate an early connection with your future employers, and a way to standout and highlight your excitement for the company.

What is The Difference Between a Cover Letter and a Letter of Interest?

Cover letters and letters of interest are both important documents to support your job search, but they serve different purposes.

Cover Letters. A cover letter is your tailored response to a specific job posting, designed to show why you’re the perfect fit for that role. It’s your chance to align your skills and experiences directly with the job requirements and convince the hiring manager that you’re the best candidate.

Letter of Interest. On the other hand, a letter of interest is like casting a wider net. It’s an unsolicited document that you send to a company to express your enthusiasm and willingness to explore potential job opportunities. Rather than focusing on one specific position, it showcases a variety of skills and experiences that could make you a valuable addition to the team. By providing interest samples, you can demonstrate your expertise and suitability for various roles within the company.

✨Tip: Many job seekers will wait for roles to be posted, but by taking initiative, you are more likely to catch the attention of recruiters. It is memorable that you’re actively seeking out ways to contribute to a company you’re passionate about. And who knows, maybe they have the perfect job for you, it just hasn’t been posted yet.

Think of the letter of interest as your way of saying, “Hey, I really admire what your company is doing, and I’d love to be a part of it in any capacity that fits my skills.” It’s a proactive approach that can open doors to opportunities you might not have known existed.

When exploring current job openings at your desired company, you may find that they do not have a role open that aligns with what you’re looking for. This is where your prospecting letter comes into play, allowing you to make a memorable impression and potentially create a role for yourself that matches your unique talents and the company’s needs.

✨Tip: Check out our blog that answers the question, “Should I always include a cover letter with my job application?” where we dive into cover letter tips, tricks, and give our recommendations on how to help you stand out from the crowd. 

How to Write a Letter of Interest Tips and Examples

Preparing to Write Your Letter of Interest

Now that you are ready to write your letter of interest, let’s walk through the main to-do’s to help you create an effective, standout document.

Research the Target Company

Before you even put pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard), spend some time getting to know the company you’re interested in. Dive deep into their mission, values, and recent achievements. This will not only help you tailor your letter but also show that you’re genuinely interested in becoming part of their journey.

Identify Key Individuals

Next, figure out who the key players are, especially the hiring manager. Addressing your letter to the right person can make all the difference. It shows you’ve done your homework and adds a personal touch that can set you apart. A little detective work on LinkedIn or a quick call to the company can go a long way here.

Customize Your Approach

Finally, make sure your letter is customized to align with what the company is looking for. Highlight your skills and experiences that match their needs, and show how you can contribute to their goals. This isn’t just about listing your qualifications; it’s about making a compelling case for why you’re the perfect fit for their team.

✨Tip: From company research, following up on applications, to writing letters of interest, it’s easy to loose track of important to-do’s. Check out our blog that walks through how to stay organized during your job search.

How to Write a Letter of Interest Tips and Examples

Structuring Your Letter of Interest

Now that you have a plan in place, it’s time to construct your letter of interest. Here’s how to structure it for maximum impact:

Opening Paragraph

Start strong with an opening paragraph that hooks the reader. Introduce yourself, mention how you discovered the company, and explain why you’re passionate about joining their team. Share a personal connection or unique insight that aligns with the company’s mission and values to set the tone for the rest of your letter.

Body Paragraphs

The body of your letter is where you showcase your skills and experiences. Use specific examples to highlight your achievements and demonstrate how you can add value to the company. Make sure to align your experiences with the company’s needs, using quantifiable achievements to add credibility to your claims.

Closing Paragraph

Wrap up with a compelling closing paragraph. Include a strong call to action, inviting the hiring manager to discuss your potential contribution further. Provide your contact information and express gratitude for their time, reiterating your excitement about the possibility of joining their team.

By following this structure, you’ll create a letter of interest that stands out and makes a memorable impression.

How to Write a Letter of Interest Tips and Examples

Writing Tips for a Compelling Letter of Interest

Curating a letter of interest is about striking the right chord with your potential employer by maintaining a professional tone, adhering to an interest format in a business letter, and ensuring your message is concise yet impactful.

Personalize Your Letter

A personalized letter can make all the difference. Here are some tips to make your letter stand out:

  • Address the Letter to a Specific Person: Research and find out the name of the hiring manager or relevant contact person. This adds a personal touch and shows that you’ve done your homework.

  • Tailor It to Reflect the Company’s Mission and Values: Demonstrate that you understand what the company stands for and how you align with their goals. This shows genuine interest and commitment.

  • Speak Their Language: Use industry-specific terminology and references that resonate with the company’s culture and objectives. This makes your letter more relatable and impactful.

Use a Hook

Your opening statement should capture the reader’s attention immediately. Mention a recent company achievement or a noteworthy milestone that you admire. This shows that you’re not just another applicant but someone who is truly engaged with the company’s journey.

Keep it Concise

Your letter of interest should be clear and to the point. Aim for 200-300 words, ensuring that every sentence serves a purpose. A concise letter demonstrates respect for the recipient’s time and increases the likelihood of your letter being read in its entirety.

✨Tip: Letters of interest can be very impactful in a crowded job market. To prepare for the best outcome, check out our blog that outlines how to properly accept a job offer.

How to Write a Letter of Interest: Tips and Examples

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Avoid Generic Phrases

Generic phrases can make your letter blend in with the crowd. Instead, anchor your letter with specific examples that showcase your unique qualifications and demonstrate a genuine connection with the company.

Balance Confidence and Humility

Confidence is key, but be sure to balance it with humility. Ensure your language reflects self-assurance without crossing into arrogance, which could potentially harm your chances.

Proofread Thoroughly

Your letter of interest should be polished and error-free. Neglecting proofreading can result in mistakes that tarnish your professional image. Double-check your work, and consider having a second set of eyes review your letter to ensure it’s flawless.

Example Letter of Interest

Example Letter of Interest

Ben Smith
August, 10, 2024

Hi Mary,

I recently read an article about ABC Agency’s innovative approach to modern marketing in an article from X Magazine. I was very inspired by what I read, and wanted to reach out to inquire whether you may have any digital marketing positions open?

With eight years of experience on the agency-side of digital marketing, I have a proven track record of success. In my previous role, I lead a team that increased our client’s website page views by 55% and increased lead generation by 34%. Additionally, their sales team saw a significant boost, increasing by 25% during my tenure.

I have attached my resume for your review, and I would be very excited to discuss how my background and skills could be an asset to your team. Thank you for considering my letter of interest. I look forward to the possibility of speaking with you soon.

Thank you,

Ben Smith
[LinkedIn Profile]


To wrap this up, just remember that a letter of interest is your secret weapon in the job search. It highlights your initiative, aligns your skills with the company’s mission, and sets you apart from the crowd. So, as you draft your letter, do it with confidence and enthusiasm, knowing you have the tools to make a lasting impression. Best of luck, and may your job search be smooth sailing!

How to Write a Letter of Interest Tips and Examples (4)

Q: Should I send a letter of interest even if there are no job openings listed?

A: Yes, sending a letter of interest is a proactive way to express interest in a company and can lead to consideration for future opportunities.

Q: How can I make my letter of interest stand out?

A: To make your letter of interest stand out, personalize it with a strong hook, keep it concise, and avoid generic language or arrogance. Good luck!

Q: Is it important to follow up after sending a letter of interest?

A: Yes, it’s important to follow up after sending a letter of interest to show continued interest and keep your application top-of-mind for the hiring manager.

Q: What should I include in the body of my letter of interest?

A: In the body of your letter of interest, be sure to highlight your relevant skills and experiences with concrete examples and quantifiable achievements that align with the company’s needs. This will demonstrate your value to the potential employer.

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