What Do Hiring Managers Look for On Resumes?

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What do hiring managers really want to see on a resume? It can be difficult for the average job seeker to know. That’s where ResumeSpice – a top resume writing service – can help. Here’s a look at a few key features that can help yours stand out and get noticed:

Simple formatting.

A resume with a tiny text font and narrow margins is going to be a tough read for a hiring manager – even if you have the right experience. Instead, make sure yours is simple to scan with easy-to-follow bullet points, bolded job titles, and ample white space. This will make it more attractive and enticing for hiring managers. If you’re not sure what your resume should look like, read through these resume examples.

The right experience and qualifications.

Hiring managers also want to see qualifications and experience that align with the job they’re filling. When reviewing your resume, they’re asking questions such as: What past job titles have you held? How many years of experience do you have? And is your skill set the right fit for the opportunity? That’s why, before applying, it’s important to read through the job posting once again to ensure the resume you submit is as targeted as possible to the needs of the position.

Relevant information.

Don’t talk about a job you held 20 years ago in high school, or titles that are irrelevant. Also, leave off hobbies and personal information, unless it directly pertains to the position or the employer. Instead, focus primarily on recent work history and the track record of success you’ve built over the course of your career.

Career accomplishments.

It’s fine to talk a bit about the tasks and responsibilities you’ve had over the years. But the bulk of your resume should cover your career accomplishments, as well as any recognition or rewards you’ve received. Wherever you can, attach numbers to demonstrate the impact you’ve made, whether in terms of dollars, percentages, statistics or time saved.

Upward movement.

Hiring managers like to see a positive progression. That means demonstrating upward movement in your career, whether it’s through formal promotions or an increase in responsibilities. So make sure that you don’t gloss over these kinds of details; fully explain them under the ‘Experience' section on your resume. 

Every hiring manager is unique and will look for different qualities and attributes on a resume. However, the list above covers the top priorities most like to see.

If you’d like more help creating a resume with the right mix of these essentials, check out our example resumes. You can also give ResumeSpice a call at 832.930.7378 for additional advice and assistance with resume writing. 

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