How Important is a Post-Interview Thank You Letter?

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Your interview is over, but that doesn’t mean your work is done. You still need to follow up with a thank you letter.

Why is this so important? Because not sending one can be a deal-breaker for some hiring managers. They expect their top candidates to demonstrate professionalism by following-up. If you don’t – it can impact their final decision.

The good news is that according to job seeker data, only about ¼ of candidates send thank you letters, which means when you do, you can take advantage of another opportunity to set yourself apart. To help you make the most of it, here are some tips to follow from the interview prep experts at ResumeSpice:

Customize your letter.

Don’t send the same letter every employer with whom you interview. Instead, customize it by bringing up an anecdote you shared during the interview or focusing on a key strength or accomplishment most relevant to the position. Think of your thank you letter as that final sales pitch to secure the job. Generic won’t cut it.

Include links to work samples.

If you have a website that outlines your professional accomplishments and/or an online portfolio, include the address to it. This is especially important if you mentioned one of your projects in your interview. Make sure you call it out in the thank you letter.

Don’t make common mistakes.

You want to show the hiring manager that you’re a thoughtful and intelligent communicator. To avoid some common mistakes, such as typos and grammatical errors, misspelling the company or hiring manager’s name, or sending the exact same letter to all the managers you interviewed with at one company.

Keep it brief.

When it comes to your thank you letter, remember it should be brief, yet persuasive. You’re not regurgitating your job history. Instead, you’re simply trying to reinforce that you’re interested in the role that you’re the best fit for the job.

Timing matters

An email and physical note should be sent the same day as the interview. Your email will arrive while your interview is still fresh, while the thank you card that arrives 1-3 days later will reinforce your candidacy.

Need help writing your thank you card?

We can help. Contact the interview prep experts at ResumeSpice – follow-up thank you cards are one of the services we offer Find out more by reaching out to our team at 832.930.7378 or by contacting us online.