Is Bad Advice Killing Your Job Search?

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It seems like everyone (and their well-meaning cousin) has a piece of career advice when it comes to job hunting. As one of the leading resume writing agencies in Houston, ResumeSpice has seen firsthand how the advice of even the best-intentioned friends, family members, and trusted colleagues can actually foil your job search and prevent you from landing a new position.

So what advice should you toss out of the window? Let’s take a look:

Myth #1: A Resume Must be One Page
Sure, this was the standard practice years ago, but not anymore. Your resume can be and should be, if you’re highly experienced, more than one page. It’s better to have an easy-to-read and well-formatted resume that’s two pages long, than an unreadable and poorly formatted resume that’s crammed into one page. That said, don’t go overboard and submit a resume that’s longer than it needs to be to reflect your experience. The one page resume myth is so pervasive, we wrote a blog post about it.

Myth #2: You Should Apply to As Many Jobs as You Can
Hiring managers can quickly identify whether or not you’re right for the job. So if you’re sending your resume like spam mail – just because “hey, you never know” – you’re only wasting your time and the hiring manager’s by applying to every position under the sun. Instead, spend your time crafting customized resumes and cover letters for the few positions you truly are a great fit for.

Myth #3: Companies Post All Openings
If there’s a company you’re interested in working for – say you love their product or you’re a loyal user of their service – reach out to them, even if they haven’t posted a position. In your cover letter, be sure to communicate why you are passionate about working for the company and what you plan on bringing to the table to create a positive impact there. The fact that there isn’t a job posted can actually help your chances, as there’s likely to be less competition. Company’s love hearing from candidates who have a true passion and desire to work for them.

Myth #4: Staffing Agencies Don’t Help
Back in the day, staffing agencies were used to fill administrative and industrial type positions. Today’s staffing agencies place highly skilled professionals in fields ranging from accounting to IT to human resources. If you’re someone with plenty of experience under your belt, and you’d like some professional help finding your next job, a staffing agency can help get you there.

If you’re ready to begin your job hunt and need a resume that works for you – let us help! As one of the country’s leading professional resume writing services, ResumeSpice can help you produce a winning resume. Contact us today to learn more at 832.930.7378.