How Many Versions of My Resume Should I Have?

A resume is a resume is a resume, right? Not so fast! You can’t simply send out the same resume, time and again, for every job opening and expect the best results – namely, a call for an interview. These days, you need to have one resume that you tailor for different audiences; or possibly…

Resume Trivia to Help With Your Job Search

Writing a resume that gets results is a challenge for most people. Yet, it’s imperative if you want to get hired. So how can you tell if you’ve made your case and created a resume that stands stronger against other candidates? You need to make sure yours is optimized, easy to read, and compelling. Ask…

Remote Work. Is it Right for You?

While the pandemic took a toll on nearly every aspect of life and work, one area that got a big boost was telecommuting. If you could work from home, chances were you did – and for a long time. Since then, a PwC survey found that 72% of workers who worked remotely during the pandemic…

12 Steps to Speed Up Your Job Search

This is a candidate’s market and a great time to be looking for a new job. Pay is up. There’s a huge increase in job openings. And employers desperately need good people. So, if you’re interested in making a career move, then now’s the time to do it. Here are 12 steps you can take…