Why People Lie on Their Resume (and Why You Shouldn’t!)

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As one of the country’s leading resume writing companies, ResumeSpice knows how competitive the job market can be. Unfortunately, in their battle to land a job, some candidates are tempted to stretch the truth on their resumes. In fact, some studies estimate that over half of all resumes contain some fibs. We’re here to warn you that if a lie is caught on a resume, two scenarios can occur:

If a lie is uncovered during hiring, you will be removed from the hiring process, which would be a disaster if you were a perfect fit for that position.

If you’re hired and then the lie is discovered, you could get fired for providing misinformation during the hiring process.

Either way, your best bet is to stick to the truth.

What areas are candidates commonly exaggerating, inventing, or flat out lying about on their resumes? Let’s take a look:

Employment History

If you worked with a company for six months, don’t try to stretch it out to a year.  Remember, it’s okay to round up a month when you worked some time in that same month, but don’t try to stretch your employment dates or lie about gaps in employment. It’s a silly lie and it’s easily discovered through a reference phone call or email.

Job Titles

Job titles are one of the most common areas employment-seekers try to lie about. They may attempt to pump up their title by adding a “senior” in front of it, or invent a position that doesn’t even exist in the company. In most cases, hiring managers will research your work history before they offer you the job. Don’t ruin your chances of your dream job by trying to create new job titles that your previous employer can’t confirm.


If you don’t meet the educational requirements to get the job, don’t lie about it on your resume. All it takes is one quick phone call or email for an employer to verify your educational background. If you’re currently attending school, it’s okay to list that on your resume, just make sure it is clear that you have not received your degree yet.


Reference checking is one of the last steps in the hiring process. If you’ve made it to this far, don’t sabotage all your efforts by providing a potential hiring manager with fake references. In addition, avoid giving your friends and family acting lessons to impersonate someone else. Instead, talk to your coworkers and see if you have anyone who would be willing to provide a reference.

Skill Level

When you lie about your skill level on your resume, you could really be setting yourself up for failure. Should you get hired, you may not have the knowledge and experience to actually perform on the job. For instance, if the position requires SharePoint design and you only know the basics, you could be in for a struggle. Instead, highlight your ability to learn and adapt to new pieces of software on the job.

Most potential employers don’t expect perfection. However, they do expect candidates to be honest about their background and experience. If you’re not, and you do get hired, you may find yourself constantly be looking over your shoulder. Don’t dismiss what you bring to the table by stretching the truth – it’s not worth it.

Need more help creating a strong resume – let us help! As one of the country’s leading professional resume writing services, ResumeSpice can help you produce a winning resume. Contact us today to learn more at 832.930.7378.

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