LinkedIn Background Photos for 21 Different Industries

LinkedIn is the largest business-oriented networking website – and with over 500 million members – it’s more important than ever to stand out.  The content of your LinkedIn profile is key, but one commonly overlooked area is your LinkedIn background. Also known as the background banner image, the LinkedIn background photo gives you the opportunity…

Why You Need a Professional LinkedIn Profile

Understanding the importance of a professional LinkedIn profile goes beyond viewing it simply as a digital resume—it represents a dynamic gateway to career growth, professional connections, and a platform for establishing your industry presence. This article breaks down the key reasons that a top-notch LinkedIn profile is indispensable in today’s modern job market, offering insights into how it positions you ahead of the competition, and connects you with the right people in your industry.

Pro Tips on Writing a LinkedIn Summary

In today’s world, you need a LinkedIn profile to get hired. Some parts of it, like Education and Experience, are straightforward. Others, though, especially the Summary section, are a bit more challenging to get right. What do you include? How long should it be? And how can you stand out in a sea of other…