The Job Interview Follow Up Email You Should Be Sending

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Think a follow up after an interview is a waste of time? Consider these statistics: According to a recent CareerBuilder study, 22% of employers say they’re less likely to hire a candidate who doesn’t send a thank-you note. What’s more, is that 56% said not doing so showed the candidate was not serious about the position.

Clearly, following up is important. But doing so can be tricky with so much on the line. To help you in the process, here are some tips for the follow-up email you should be sending, so you have a better shot at getting the offer:

Choose your subject line wisely.

You don’t want to end up in the spam filter or send your email without a subject line. At the same time, it’s important to go beyond just saying, “thank you.” So what should you put in the subject of your interview follow up email? Consider something like: “Great talking to you today” or “Thank you for the opportunity to interview.”

Thank the interviewer.

In the opening of your email, address the interviewer by name. Then be sure to thank them for the opportunity to interview with them. Make sure you mention the specific job title you interviewed for since they might be hiring for many positions and evaluating a range of candidates. Also, express your continued interest in the job.

Make yourself memorable.

Stand out to the hiring manager by mentioning a talking point from the interview and elaborating on it. Or, if there’s a skill or ability you forget to bring up, then make sure you highlight it in your interview follow up email and tie it back to the position.

Ask about the next steps.

If you didn’t ask about what to expect next at the end of your interview, then now’s also a good time to do that. For instance, simply inquire when a decision will be made and let the interviewer know they can reach out to you at any time with additional questions.

Close your email properly.

Approach writing your follow up email after the interview like a formal business letter, with a closing and salutation. Whether it’s “Sincerely, “With thanks” or something else that’s appropriate is up to you. Also, make sure you finish with your signature and contact information.

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