Is There a Specific Font You Should Use on Resumes and Cover Letters?

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There are so many decisions to make when it comes to writing your resume and cover letter. For instance, beyond the actual details to include, how do you best format them? One critical area involves the font size. If you want to make your resume and cover letter as reader-friendly as possible, you need to follow a few important rules. Here’s a look.

Choose the right font.

There are endless possibilities when it comes to fonts. However, not all are appropriate for a resume. Make sure you’re using one that’s professional looking and also universal, so it will open and look the same on every computer. The most common is still the old favorite: Times New Roman. Yet, there are many other options available today that are business-friendly, such as Verdana, Cambria, Calibri, and Helvetica.

Don’t make it too small.

One big mistake is sizing down the font to get your resume to fit on one page. However, this means it’s hard for hiring managers and recruiters to read. Instead, make sure your font size is between 10 and 12 points. It’s better to have a larger font and a two-page resume instead of a cramped, hard-to-read one-page document.

Use it consistently.

Another mistake is choosing several different fonts across your resume and cover letter. This, however, will lead to muddled, messy-looking text. Instead, select one font and stick with it. If you have a strong design sense, you can pair two; just make sure they don’t fight each other and instead work together in harmony. This typically involves choosing one sans-serif font with a serif font.

Format tastefully.

Don’t format every line or word with boldface or italics. Instead, focus on differentiating a few key areas to visually enhance your resume and cover letter, while also making it easier to read. This includes:

  • Using all caps for job titles.
  • Bolding the employer’s names.
  • Italicizing employment dates.

Avoid underlining words or phrases, which can make your cover letter or resume overwhelming and cluttered. Keep in mind that hiring managers tend to scan resumes and cover letters, so yours should be as easy-to-read as possible.

Ready for professional help with your resume?

ResumeSpice is here for you. We know what hiring managers want to see on your resume and in your cover letter. We’ll help you write, polish and format both documents in a way that’s clear, attractive, and compelling. If you’re ready to learn more, call 832.930.7378 or contact us online.

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