How Do I Choose a Format for My Resume?

When it comes to your resume, what you say is critically important; so is how it looks. If it’s cramped, has an unusual font or doesn’t make use of boldface type or bullet points, it’s going to be tough for a hiring manager to read. Even if you’re the most qualified candidate, you won’t get…

Importance of Having a Professional Picture for LinkedIn

As the saying goes, “a picture is worth a thousand words.” When a recruiter or hiring manager visits your profile page, the first thing they’ll see is your image. If yours isn’t professional or up to par, it’s going to impact the impression you’re making. For instance, if it’s too dark or low resolution, hiring…

3 Tips for Perfecting Your Cover Letter

Is a cover letter really necessary today? For most recruiters and hiring managers, the answer is “yes.” Unfortunately, many candidates end up treating it as an afterthought, without investing the time and effort necessary to truly set themselves apart. But think of it this way: Your cover letter is the first impression you’ll be making…