How to Ask For A Letter of Recommendation

If you are active in the job market, it is likely that one of the next items on your to-do list is to obtain a letter of recommendation. Having a stamp of approval from a manager or mentor not only can set you apart from other applicants, but gives employers a first-hand look into how you work and what sort of attributes you bring to the table.

Strategies to Enhance Your Personal Brand for an Effective Job Search

Are you ready to leave a genuinely memorable impression on your personal network, future colleagues, and potential hiring managers? In today’s hyper-digital and highly competitive job market, it is easy to get lost in the crowd. To stand out from the rest and capture the attention of a future employer, it will take more than just a well-crafted resume and cover letter to capture their attention – you need a honed-in, top-notch personal brand…

Tips For Preparing Your Personal Brand For a Job Search

You’ve likely seen the term “personal branding” in blogs and articles as you’ve been preparing for your job search. Personal branding is how a candidate packages their skills, background, experience, and public persona in order to market themselves to potential employers. A strong personal brand image could mean landing the job of your dreams while…